July 13, 2016

What we are


Our History

The International Association Black and White emerges from a meeting and conversation between the African missionary Francis Jones Ezeileoba and Dutch businesswoman Wendy Van der Veen. Together with a team of people with the same mentality and ethical and inspired by the Principles on Tolerance commitment issued by Member States.

Our Mission

Black & White seeks to promote tolerance and contribute to international understanding, respect and peaceful understanding between people, and help to appreciate the rich variety of cultures in the world and the many wonderful forms of expression and manifestation of human.

Our Vision

IBWA through its work wishes to be recognised locally, nationally and internationally, as a serious charity whose work is developed in a humanitarian and responsible way. IBWA seeks to form a bridge to strengthen the ties between individuals, societies, cultures and nations, without limits or prejudice of any kind and guided solely by principles of tolerance, generosity, respect and understanding.

Value & Principles

IBWAssociation Value and Principles are based on the United Nations Declaration and Principles of Tolerance which states:

“Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human…”

The declaration goes on to put forward 5 methods of fighting intolerance:

  • Fighting intolerance requires law

  • Fighting intolerance requires education

  • Fighting intolerance requires access to information

  • Fighting intolerance requires individual awareness

  • Fighting intolerance requires local solutions

The IBW Association is now a registered charity on the Isle of Man and a UK registered company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital. It is a non religious and non political association and represents all factors of society who may suffer from intolerance whether it be by virtue of race, religion, disability, or any difference which can cause an intolerant reaction. Within each Country where it is registered, the Association helps those members of society who are disadvantaged and open to intolerance. It supports and assists existing charities who follow the similar ethic of the association.


By a means of meeting and integrating the greatest wealth we have: the diversity of people, so that everyone can contribute and share their knowledge, experiences, skills and resources in order to achieve a reciprocal cultural development on a human and social level.

  • Channel and promote the utility, the use and enjoyment of recreational resources and learning materials such as books and toys, allowing them to move from the hands of those who no longer need them to those who lack them.

  • To educate in values and principles that guide human relations, understanding and fraternal cooperation in various strata of society, such as schools and organisations who are interested in the work carried out by Black and White.

  • Report on the projects and activities of the Association, to have the commitment and the greater involvement of people, so we all are benefited and satisfied with the achievements of our action.

  • Contribute to the new generations to learn and assimilate new values and positive ways to perceive, accept and act in the world in front of others, especially now that communication technologies can bring us closer to each other.

  • Be part of development projects and cooperate with other entities, foundations and associations whose objectives are consistent with ours, in order to combine efforts and resources and strengthen each other in achieving our goals.